Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Reading Diary B: Narayan's Ramayana

It was nice to see that Sita had stayed loyal and true to Rama during that time. It is hard to imagine the temptation she went through. I am sure she was offered a great many things to persuade her. I am someone who appreciates loyalty so this really spoke to her character for me.

I appreciate how Rama treats Vibhishana with respect. I would have immediately thought he was up to no good and not trusted him, but Rama clearly values respect above all else.

I also really enjoyed the building the bridge story. Its fun to imagine all the animals throwing rocks into the water to build a bridge. I think that there is potential with this story. Doing something that might appear obscure with unlikely people and then accomplishing the task they set out to do.

Kumbakarna is someone who I have never heard of before so I had to look him up. As I was reading the story I was like "Wait what? This guy is swallowing people?" This to me is something so odd to see in this battle. People are fighting and then all of a sudden this guy pops up and starts eating people.

I am not sure how exactly I feel about the Sita story. I mean he went through all that work to save her you wouldn't think that he would feel that it was necessary to test her. If he felt like she were unfaithful than why would he risk everything to go and save her?

The Ramayana by R. K. Narayan 
Ramayana Reading Guide

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