Sunday, August 23, 2015

Week 1 Storytelling: The Advice that Stood the Test of Time

There was once a school with two boys, one named Michael and one named Leroy.  Michael was popular and kept up with all the trends, he was never alone and he had many friends. Leroy was uncool and he went straight home to help his mom after school.

One day Michael had a birthday party and everyone in the school was excited, except poor Leroy who wasn’t invited. Leroy sat with his mother and cried until his eyes were completely dried. His mother said to him, “Do not bother about this silly party my dear everything will be alright. Plus you don’t want to be out late because it is a school night. As I always say, early to bed, and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”

Years passed and Leroy never thought twice, he always held on to his mom's advice. In school he always got enough rest to get through each day and knew he would never go astray. After a few years he began to feel content and that his time had been very well spent. The other kids would have big celebrations all through the night, but Leroy knew that although he wasn’t invited he would be alright.

The day came for Michael and Leroy to acknowledge that their time in high school was done and it was time to move on to college. Michael wasn’t ready to leave, and he did nothing but grieve. But Leroy had a plan for his life and future ahead, so he of course had nothing to dread.

                                                                Graduates of Brunswick High in 2007

                                                                                      Wikimedia Commons

Leroy and Michael went their separate ways, just like all kids do in those days. They say goodbye to the life they knew, and look ahead to begin life anew. Michael tried to go to college, but he stayed out too late at parties to ever gain the proper knowledge. Leroy however stayed dedicated, knowing one day he would be truly educated. And each morning he would arise and say his mom’s old advice to start his day, “Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”One day when Michael was 35 he was down on his luck and needed a job to pass the time, at this point in his life he didn’t even have a dime. He went to the largest company in the city and hoped he could get a job because he was witty. He knew he didn’t have a particular trade, but hoped he could maybe clean the floors to get paid. He walked down a beautiful oak hall on his way to talk to the boss of it all. He knocked on the door and a man said, “Please do come in” Michael did everything he could to muster a grin.

But when he walked in he felt anything but joy, because he was standing in front of Mr. Leroy. Michael was at a loss; the boy who was ignored in school would now be his boss. Leroy could see the surprise in his eyes, so he pointed at a plaque that stated “Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” Then Mr. Leroy turned to Michael and said “Please do not dread, for the job I have in mind for you is very simple for you to do. But take the time to memorize this phrase, and maybe some day you will do something worthy of my praise.”

Author's Note:For this story I used the nursery rhyme "Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise."I wasn't exactly sure how I wanted to use this rhyme to make a story, but to me this is solid advice. It contains an important lesson for people of all ages. Getting enough sleep and being responsible are important characteristics for being successful. With this story I tried to present this lesson in a way that could be understandable. The title was inspired by the fact that I see this rhyme as advice. For Leroy in the story, holding true to this advice that his mom gave him did stand the test of time. 


The Nursery Rhyme Book, edited by Andrew Land and illustrated by L. Leslie Brooke (1897) Web source: The Project Gutenberg EBook of the Nursery Rhyme Book by Unknown 

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this story. I think you did an excellent job of using the phrase through out. Through out college, I have really noticed how important sleep is to my next day and how it really affects how I do in class. This is excellent advice for me this semester as I have to back to back classes that can put me to sleep. I hope Leroy finds someone who holds true to this message as well that he can be good friends with.
